
Awantec to shed 3-year Affected Listed Issuer classification on May 13

KUALA LUMPUR: Awanbiru Technology Bhd (Awantec) will no longer be classified as an Affected Listed Issuer from May 13, 2024, after it secured a waiver from having to submit a regularisation plan.

Awantec was classified as an Affected Listed Issuer in January 2021.

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd, Awantec said Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd granted it a waiver from complying with Paragraph 8.04(3)(a) of the Listing Requirements which requires the company to submit a regularisation plan to Bursa Securities.

Trading in its shares, which have been suspended since April 26, 2024 will also resume on Monday.

Awantec achieved a net profit of RM3.1 million for the nine-month period ended March 31, 2024, marking a turnaround from the RM6.4 million loss in the It has posted four consecutive quarters of profits.

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