
A mother's blessing: Tee Ah Jen wishes son eternal happiness in marriage [WATCH]

JITRA: "Whatever happens, he is still my son, so if not my blessing and support, then whose, as I am his mother," said Tee Ah Jen.

Tee, 43, proves that religious differences are not a barrier in her relationship with her eldest son, Lim Cheng Wei, 23.

Indeed, Tee not only blessed Lim's decision to embrace Islam but also assisted him in preparing for marriage, culminating in a safe solemnisation with his chosen partner, Nurdiana A Rahman, 22, in Sungai Buloh, Selangor, on June 22.

For Tee, of mixed Chinese-Indian descent, there was no reason for her to oppose Lim's decisions, whether to embrace Islam or marry his chosen partner, as her son is an adult who has the right to choose his own path in life.

As the mother of five children, she supports and blesses Lim's decisions if they bring happiness to him.

"My son embraced Islam on Oct 27, 2020, and he informed me about it the following year, during Chinese New Year 2021.

"I was not angry because I also have a younger sibling who converted, but some family members couldn't accept his decision at first.

"My son apologised to me when he honestly revealed the truth, but it took time for me to accept it. However, I didn't feel the need to be angry because that was the path he chose.

"Besides, his life is not ours to control, so as a mother, I support and respect his decisions. Even before I knew he embraced Islam, I could already see him fasting," she said when contacted recently.

Regarding her TikTok post, Tee said her intention was to share memories of Lim's happy day while revealing his status as a Muslim.

"I rarely share videos on TikTok, but I uploaded one recently for the public to know that my son has embraced Islam and married.

"Most comments were positive, praying for us, but there were also negative ones which I ignored.

"As a mother, I admit I was emotional on Lim's wedding day, thinking about him getting married without his father, who passed away long ago.

"But I am happy because he has found his life partner, even though we no longer live together since he moved to Kuantan, Pahang, for work.

"I feel relieved knowing that my son has a wife to care for him, and I pray that their marriage lasts until Jannah, with good health, abundant sustenance, steadfast in prayers, and never forgetting their responsibilities to me and his siblings," she said.

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