
ZUS Coffee, ace tower runner Soh Wai Ching to spur support for local champions

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian coffee chain ZUS Coffee is partnering with athlete Soh Wai Ching to highlight Malaysia's talent and enencourage support for local champions.

ZUS stated its commitment to supporting and celebrating local talents, emphasising its dedication to promoting "Anak Malaysia" and helping national athletes achieve global recognition.

"ZUS Coffee believes in the power of community and the importance of supporting local talents.

"Soh has made the country proud with his record-breaking achievements and unwavering ambition," it said.

ZUS Coffee growth, marketing, brand and product vice president Stephy Foong stated that Soh, by representing Malaysia on the global tower run stage, fosters unity and national pride among Malaysians.

She noted that he demonstrates the potential for greatness in every Malaysian, inspiring people to strive for their best and push beyond their limits.

"We are honoured to support him as he continues to make history and elevate our country on the world stage," she said.

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