
Creating a better workplace

This week, I have been reflecting on how I can my workplace a better one.

I think about this every so often, and did some research to infuse a new feeling of positivism with my team. Before I share my ideas, lets start with why this is important.

A positive workplace is when business nurtures an atmosphere where its employees feel safe, happy and are enthusiastic to work. When an employee feels safe, appreciated and is eager to come to work, they are more likely to stay in their position for longer. When employees work for a long time at one company, they develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for the establishment, and consequently it stimulates them to continuously innovate and improve themselves and their teams.

An organisation that has a reputation for its encouraging workplace culture is more likely to recruit top candidates. People will always choose to work for a company that values them and can increase their quality of life. Positive work environments also improve connections and create better relationships amongst co-workers. And, being engaged at work increases feelings of fulfillment. This in turn, leads to a healthier mentality. 

How do we make our workplaces better?

Develop Purpose

Be clear and transparent about your organisation's core values. And ensure that you are authentic in your actions toward employees. When your team members feel like they are a part of these values and mission, it inspires them and increases productivity because everyone feels more involved. Communicate and get "buy-in" from your team about what inspires the company's goals and actions, and what is the future that they can look forward to. Lay out the guiding principles that lead to your business goals

Set Clear Goals

Next, develop an outline of the goals you have for your company, so that team members have clear expectations. You can also set goals for individual team members to help guide their performance. Giving your employees direction will give them confidence in their work, encourage productivity and eliminate confusion or muddy expectations, which tend to lead to dissatisfaction.

Nurture Appreciation

Simple, everyday gestures of appreciation in the workplace have proven to work in bringing teams closer, lift employee morale, and improve overall productivity. Research from leading universities show that employees who receive regular and adequate recognition demonstrate increased productivity. 

Shared Laughter

Teams that laugh together, succeed together! Shared laughter not only creates a connection between co-workers, but it also fosters a culture where people feel safe sharing ideas and taking risks.

Have Meaningful Conversations

A meaningful "hello" goes a long way in the workplace. Pop around the office periodically and see how everyone is doing. Ask your team how their weekend was, and check in to see if anyone needs assistance with ongoing projects. Creating an environment that makes everyone feel comfortable equates to happy employees.

Actively Offer Balance

The concept of a balanced life has become a priority for many workplaces. Team members need to have a clear understanding that you value them as a loyal employee, and as a person who has a life outside of work that is just as important. Offering incentives that improve a team member's overall quality of life show that you care about their wellbeing.

Stop Micromanaging

Employees who feel trusted and supported, without being hovered over, are statistically more relaxed and confident in the job they do. Remember why you hired them and trust that they will make the right decisions without your hovering. Doing so will keep their confidence high, further contributing to the success of your business.

Seek Feedback

Ask for feedback on tools they need to succeed or how to improve initiatives that aren't meeting their goals. Your employees are most familiar with your workplace culture. Listen to their input and use it to improve your procedures. This active listening helps create a workplace where every employee feels heard.

Create Personal Development Plans

This is a tool to assist employees in career and personal development. Its primary purpose is to help employees reach short and long-term goals and improve current job performance. Offering a structured development plan shows your team that you are serious about investing in them as individuals and puts everyone on an even playing field of reaching goals.

I recommend you evaluate the suggestions above and customise it to your team. It will create a better and happier workplace for you.

* The write is managing consultant and executive leadership coach at EQTD Consulting. He is also the author of the national bestseller "So, You Want To Get Promoted?"

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