
#TECH: Local tech firm creates AI CV maker

IF you're struggling in creating a good curriculum vitae (CV), worry not as local tech outfit Krenovator has launched an artificial intelligence (AI) CV Maker on its tech talent platform.

The AI CV Maker lets users create a digital CV in just a few minutes with the help of AI in a streamlined four-step process.

In addition to making CVs available on the platform, the AI CV Maker also creates an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)-compliant CV in PDF format that users can download.

Krenovator chief executive officer Mahadhir Yunus said creating a CV that captured the attention of hiring managers was a common challenge faced by many tech people.

"This motivated us to add the AI-powered CV Maker to our platform, which creates ATS-compliant CVs."

Mahadhir said an ATS-compliant CV was important because it allowed users on Krenovator searching for remote jobs to communicate their qualifications and background using a format that is already accepted by hiring companies worldwide.

He and his team took three months to develop the AI CV Maker. This covers product requirements, design and development, as well as testing and deployment.


One of the reasons Mahadhir created this AI tool is to help people overcome the challenges of writing a CV.

For example, one of the challenges is lack of time.

"Writing a CV can be time-consuming, especially if you have a lot of experience and qualifications to list. An AI tool can help you save time by automatically generating your CV based on your work experience, education, and skills," he said.

And if you've never written one, you may not be not sure what to include.

"It can be difficult to know what information to include on your CV. An AI tool can help you by suggesting keywords and phrases that are likely to be used by hiring managers," he added.

Mahadhir said there are also people who are nor sure how to format it.

"There are many different ways to format a CV, and it can be difficult to know which format is best. An AI tool can help you by providing templates for ATS compliance and Online CV. Also, spelling and grammar errors can make you look unprofessional. An AI tool can help you by spell-checking and grammar-checking your CV," he said.

Besides that, some people lack confidence in their ability to write a CV that will get them noticed.

"An AI CV maker can help these people by providing a professional-looking CV that is tailored to their skills and experience," he said.

Another function of the Krenovator AI CV Maker is that it helps reduce errors, particularly in language matters.

In addition to the PDF format, each CV created will be available online in the public domain via a dedicated web link, making it easy for employers to access it at any time and from anywhere. For example:

AI usage perceptions

Using AI may bring different perceptions. Some may think that you're lazy and not wanting to work harder.

But for Mahadhir, whether using AI will make you a better person or worse depends on how you use it.

"If you use AI to help you improve your skills and knowledge, it can make you a better person.

"For example, if you use AI to help you write a CV, you can learn more about the job you are applying for and how to best present your skills and experience. This can help you get the job you want and make a positive impact on the world.

"However, if you use AI to cheat or to take shortcuts, it can make you a worse person.

"For example, if you use AI to generate a CV that is not accurate or truthful, you may get the job, but you may not be able to do the job well. This can damage your reputation and make it difficult to get a job in the future.

"Ultimately, the decision of whether to use AI is up to you. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of using AI before you make a decision."

Krenovator AI CV Maker is available for users worldwide and at no charge. It is the latest AI tool added to the platform after the launch of the Abraham AI coding assistant recently.

Potential benefits of using AI

• Improved efficiency: AI can help you automate tasks, which can free up your time to focus on more important things.

• Increased productivity: AI can help you to produce more work in less time.

• Improved accuracy: AI can help you avoid mistakes, saving you time and money.

• Enhanced creativity: AI can help you generate new ideas and solutions to problems.

Potential risks of using AI

• Job displacement: AI could lead to job displacement, as machines become capable of performing tasks that humans do, especially repetitive tasks.

• Data bias: AI models are trained on data, and if this data is biased, the model will be biased as well. This could lead to discrimination against certain groups of people. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of using AI before making a decision about whether to use it.

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