
Facing up to spots and patches

FOR most women, spots, uneven skin tone or dark patches on the face are major concerns, especially as they age. Little wonder that skincare targeted at mature women are usually "brightening" products, aimed to reduce the appearance of these skin spots.

Hyper-pigmentation happens when patches of skin become darker than its surrounding areas. As a skin disorder, it's quite common in both genders but its aesthetic implications cause the most concern, says pHformula founder and chief executive officer, Petru van Zyl, who developed a dermatological skin resurfacing system.

"There are different types of hyper-pigmentation, depending on their causes. Sun exposure is a known factor for skin damage. Ageing also contributes to hyper-pigmentation — it's called liver or age spots.

"They become more visible with age but ageing is not directly responsible for their appearance," says van Zyl.

"They are caused primarily by excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays."

Women who use tanning booths also face an added risk. UV radiation during indoor tanning leads to skin ageing and both hyper and hypo-pigmentation.

For some women, pregnancy or hormone replacement therapy can also affect this condition. Hormonal imbalance is usually responsible for melasma, another type of hyper-pigmentation.

It commonly happens due to thyroid dysfunction, hormone replacement therapy or during pregnancy.

Then there's Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH), a result of injury to skin due to burns, psoriasis, acne lesions, skin friction, even due to the application of certain skincare products.

"While we have learnt a lot about the behaviour of skin, there is much more to know. No research has explained fully why one person's skin behaves differently from another's."


For women living in a tropical country like Malaysia, the risk of hyper-pigmentation is greater, given the constant exposure to the sun.

UV radiation exposure is one of the biggest external factors to cause or worsen this, explains van Zyl.

It may not be noticeable in the form of spots, but there's a general skin dullness on the entire face. "The skin becomes dull and dark as compared to other parts of the body."

Many women hide this "facial dullness" by using concealers and facial foundations.

Pandemic stress on the skin is also a new but real concern, as more people are stressed, cooped up indoors and may not eat well and exercise.

There are also lack of sleep, fatigue and exposure to blue light with prolonged use of gadgets, all of which affect the skin.

Chronic stress can lead to impairment of the immune system, making skin more receptive to micro-inflammation that can result in cell and even tissue damage which will aggravate skin disorders — ageing, hyper-pigmentation, acne and rosacea, says van Zyl.


Those seeking treatment for hyper-pigmentation usually resort to conventional options like chemical peels, laser therapy and/or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment and even hydroquinone prescriptions.

However, van Zyl says PIH is a major risk for women pursuing these traditional options.

The concept and philosophy of pHformula, she says, is skin resurfacing, not traditional skin peeling. It is non-invasive and rejuvenates skin layer by layer.

Controlled skin resurfacing goes beyond the outer layer of the skin to actively trigger accelerated cell regeneration, explains van Zyl.

New skin cells forming from the inside out result in a more radiant, younger-looking skin surface — reducing the appearance of trauma or irritation which can be a precursor of hyper-pigmentation.

"It treats inflammation that is at the heart of hyper-pigmentation and assists skin repair," she says.

Designed to be applied by professional clinical aestheticians, the system provides a controlled and targeted delivery of active ingredients while preserving the integrity of the skin.

"Before we start a treatment, we always test the patient's skin sensitivity to see its tolerance level. This ensures a safer and more effective outcome,"

She says the products can be customised to suit any gender, age, skin type, tone or concern.

It is especially effective for sensitive skin because they are formulated with saponin complex, which is sensitive skin-friendly.

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