
Rita Rudaini slams netizen who ridiculed her for being too old for TV hosting

KUALA LUMPUR: Despite being popular with viewers, stars of local television will always have their detractors.

Actress Rita Rudaini Mokhtar, 42, recently encountered one on social media, and slammed him for ridiculing her latest gig as co-host of home shopping network CJ Wow Shop.

The star of sitcom Ahli Mesyuarat Tingkap and the film Love Supermoon was angered by the netizen’s private message which said that she was “too old for the job”.

“Today, I’ve been compelled to reply a rude message by a certain individual. This person has questioned my latest job on TV by claiming that I’m not of the right age.

“What’s age got to do with it? Aren’t we chosen based on our experience and abilities? People should stop being petty and judgemental!” posted Rita on her Instagram account yesterday.

Rita, who also tagged the culprit, advised such individuals to “stop insulting people”, as they could get insulted by fellow netizens someday.

“Let this be a lesson to the culprit. Being unkind to others doesn’t pay, because one day, another nasty person might take the opportunity to hurt you.”

Rita’s post attracted more than 14,600 likes and 1,300 comments. Most of them praised her for giving the “menace” a sound scolding.

The actress began co-hosting CJ Wow Shop since Jan 4 with Jimmy Shanley and Nadia Annuar.

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