
#Showbiz: 'I've found true love after 5 marriages' - Natasha Hudson

KUALA LUMPUR: Actress Natasha Hudson, 41, admitted that she had "found true love" after five marriages.

The Perak-born star of films as Chermin and Mamak Cupcake has been happily married to Muhammad Harits Jasmin for a year, and co-owns a surfing business with him.

"At first, I didn't want publicity for my marriage, but things have been so good that I've decided otherwise," said Natasha in an interview with Berita Harian Online today.

"Two months ago we visited Cherating in Pahang. During Ramadan we will be in Langkawi. Surfing and water-skiing are our passion."

Natasha has not given up acting, and returns to Kuala Lumpur whenever she has "work" to do. "I travel a lot, it is hectic but I am loving it."

Natasha said that Langkawi was her favourite place as it was peaceful and beautiful, unlike Kuala Lumpur. She runs an archery business in Kuah.

"I've been living in Langkawi for 10 years. When I was a kid I used to wonder why old folks enjoyed going back to their kampungs. Now I understand why."

Natasha likened her husband to her "best friend".

"We accept who we are, that is most important. As for having more children, it would be nice but God decides."

Natasha stars in one drama or film annually these days.

"Last year, I starred in a musical film produced by Red Communications. It may be out on streaming platforms.

Natasha has three children Neesa, Naeema and Faatimah from her previous marriages.

She first married Mohd Faiz Mohd Raih in 2006 and their marriage lasted four months.

This was followed by Datuk Shahrin Zahari from 2007 to 2009, singer Khalid Kamal of Phlowtron from 2012 to 2018 and Noor Nashriq Sekanor from 2018 to 2019.

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