
#SHOWBIZ: A worthwhile wait for Hazama

SINGER Hazama Azmi makes his musical moves slowly but surely. After creating a name for himself in the local music scene in 2006, he will only be releasing his second solo album in late November.

Hazama first recorded the single, 'Pokok', with rock band Meet Uncle Hussain in 2011, which also saw him give 'Akademi Fantasia' another try.

He went on to win AF9, the season which also saw Amy of Search assuming the role of the academy's principal.

After seven years of being a singer, Hazama released his debut studio album, 'Penglipurlara', with a single of the same name in 2013.

Since then he's dropped various singles, including duets (with Dayang Nurfaizah and Aman RA, Marsha Milan, and the late Siti Sarah) and soundtracks for drama series ('Sampai Mati' for drama 'Hati Perempuan', 'Tunggu Aku Datang' for drama 'Amar Dan Opie', and 'Peneman' for drama 'Asalkan Dia Bahagia').

On his own

Hazama says some of the songs on his sophomore album had been composed and written for some time, but had been shelved when he left Astro's Rocketfuel Entertainment.

Titled 'Pujangga', this album also marks his first effort as a producer with his direction and vision.

"I was nervous initially and didn't know what to expect. Not having formal music training added to that.

"Fortunately, I'm surrounded by people who have the experience and knowledge," said the 39-year-old singer, composer, and actor.

His wife, Genervie Kam, 44, has been a big help too. She's an accomplished musician, music director and arranger, who excelled for her Performer's Licentiate Diploma at London's Trinity College of Music when she was 14.

Working alongside her husband, whom she married in 2017, Kam serves as the album's music director.

Like the the 'yin' and 'yang', Hazama says the album also features a unique working energy.

"Musically speaking, I'm like a blind man, and she is the enlightened one. By working together, we complement each other by providing different perspectives and approaches," he says philosophically.

Grateful for help

Producing the album independently, Hazama is thankful for the digital content fund allocated by the government through MyCreative Ventures Sdn Bhd.

"We received a RM100,000 grant. Frankly, the amount is not enough to cover the total cost involved, which is roughly RM200,000.

"In Malaysia, RM100,000 may be able to cover the total cost for a single, including a music video, promotions and other publicity costs.

"But what I got is better than nothing at all. It does help," says Hazama who also dug into his savings and did the best he could.

"Thankfully, my wife and brother-in-law are in this project too. So there you go, imagine how much I've saved," he jokes.

Passion project

Initially set to feature six songs, the album ended up with 10. "During the brainstorming sessions, we had lots of material and some of them were too good to pass so the album has 10 songs."

Hazama co-composed most of the tracks with Kam, Zimmy Sofaz and Riz Halim, while others included Taja and Tam of Spider fame.

Aside from penning the lyrics himself, the artiste also received contributions from Zel Haduan, Ari, Dian Mayasari, Budi Hikayat, Keon and the late Iman Imran.

Award-winning lyricist Iman, an entertainment journalist whose real name was Rudy Imran Shamsudin, wrote the words to 'Ok Ok Ok' back in 2017.

"That was our first collaboration. I had the melody and title, so I met up with him and asked him to come up with something," says Hazama, adding that he had put the release on hold.

"When I was recording the duet 'Terakhir Buat Teman' with the late Siti Sarah, which was also written by him, Iman asked if 'Ok Ok Ok' was to be released at all.

"I told him I had to wait for the right time to do so. Little did I know that he would no longer be with us when it's finally out," he says of Rudy, who died at the age of 46 in 2022 from colon cancer.

Hazama and his team have also fully captured the making of his second album in a documentary.

"We hope to air it on an OTT (over-the-top) platform. Would be great to have it on Netflix."

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