
#HEALTH: Understanding brain fatigue

WE know how to care for our body. In fact, we hear about it all the time, the need to rest, eat well and destress to avoid fatigue and boost immunity.

But how many of us know that the brain also requires the same level of care?

Brain health means brain capacity and if you have higher brain capacity, you have better function. Better brain health also means fewer chances of falling into depression and anxiety.

Failing to care for it means experiencing "brain fatigue", a phenomenon where you struggle to focus, experience sluggish thoughts and have difficulty remembering details.

Brain fatigue is a state of tiredness caused by prolonged periods of cognitive activity stemming from an overload of our mental capacity.

While brain fatigue is often dismissed or confused with regular everyday tiredness, it is an actual condition with a scientific basis that can escalate over time if not appropriately managed, leading to more severe and chronic fatigue syndromes.

Universiti Putra Malaysia professor in neuroscience and genetics Professor Dr Michael Ling says brain fatigue is a complex condition that has been researched for decades.

"Understanding the mechanisms and effects of brain fatigue can help us better manage our mental energy and productivity," he says.

Speaking during an expert panel session on brain fatigue organised by Brand's Essence of Chicken recently, he points out that mental overload over a prolonged period leads to a sensation of tiredness known as brain fatigue, which comes with associated symptoms.

This is linked to the buildup of the neurotransmitter glutamate in the prefrontal cortex.

He says it is akin to being in a noisy, crowded room where you can't hear a specific conversation.

Ignoring brain fatigue has consequences, including reduced work performance and disruption to personal life.


Just like the body, the brain too benefits from a healthy lifestyle.

Those with brain fatigue can manage it better with lifestyle changes and good nutrition.

When it comes to diet, amino acids play an essential role in boosting brain health and, more importantly, recovering from brain fatigue.

One of them is L-Histidine, a building block of proteins that has been clinically proven to improve cognitive performance and is commonly found in protein-rich foods.

We also need to learn how to slow down, to do one thing at a time and "feed" the brain with adequate rest and nutrition, says brain health coach Nasreen Ma from Meaningful Activation.

Unfortunately, Malaysians wear "multiple hats at work" and in their personal lives, which are fast-paced and stressful.

Malaysia is ranked 47th out of 60 nations in the Global Life-Work Balance Index, making us more prone to brain fatigue.

"Understanding brain fatigue is the first step to managing brain health. A balanced lifestyle includes prioritising sleep and exercise on top of slower specific coordinated movements, mindfulness, strengthening spiritual and social connections, reducing screen time, proper diet and practising relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or yoga," says Ma.

These are keys to reclaiming one's mental energy and living a revitalised, productive life.



• Reduced efficiency in performing cognitive tasks

• Feeling of emptiness

• Sense of hopelessness

• Inability to focus

• Feeling dazed

• Mood swings

• Can't sleep well


• Prolonged stress

• Demanding jobs

• Unresolved trauma

• Unhealthy lifestyle habits (poor diet/lack of sleep/excessive screen time)

• Mental challenges like anxiety and depression


• Energy levels

• Emotional wellbeing

• Productivity

• Overall physical

and mental health

• Relationships


Remove stressors — take breaks and practise relaxation techniques.

• Ensure adequate sleep (timing of sleep is also crucial).

• Physical exercise and specific brain-stimulating movements.

• Maintain a healthy diet, manage stress and engage in activities that promote overall wellbeing.


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