Sunday Vibes

LEADING LIFE: Smooth journey

WHEN you drive a car, getting a flat tyre is definitely a big nuisance. Most of the time, it's not even caused by a major incident, but a tiny puncture. Yet, the headache is big. It's true that a small puncture can immobilise a big car.

What if those "small punctures" occur in bigger things that matter in our lives? If left unchecked, the impact could be devastatingly big and may even immobilise our life as well.


Disciplinary problems also start this way. Problematic and troubled adults aren't created overnight. They may have grown up in a house lacking clear rules, regulations, guidance and enforcement. What may have started off as harmless disregard for little rules will end up becoming a habit. When these mistakes or bad behaviour isn't duly dealt with, they may assume all is well.

As they grow older, they'll break bigger rules. The punctures may now become too big to fix and their "cars" may come to a halt soon. However, with proper help, we can always reverse the situation. Start taking personal responsibility and stop blaming others, our parents included for our own mistakes. No matter how bad we start off in life, what matters is how we end it.

Are we going to end it beautifully, or are we going to destroy it? The choice is entirely ours.


Responsibility begins at home. Parents should take the opportunity to train their children to own up to their actions. If trusted with a task, tell them it's their responsibility to do it right and do it right away.

Household tasks and religious obligations must be done without too many parental prompting. This series of small training and empowerment go a long way towards creating a responsible person.


The good news is, small punctures can still be fixed and disasters avoided. Just be more sensitive and develop an ability to spot those punctures and plug them before they become bigger. Some of the proactive steps we can take are to return to basics, adopt a positive outlook and start taking up personal responsibilities.

Ensure that we stay ahead of our tasks, planning our time well and beating procrastination. Get to know the people who matter and seek their feedback regularly. Check our progress regularly and look for gaps and opportunities.

Ensure that we have healthy relationships with peers and friends. Talk to colleagues and even the bosses. Deal with any negative thoughts promptly, firmly and fairly. Create basic rules and expectations, and challenge ourselves to complete the responsibilities correctly and timely.

Get help as soon as possible if symptoms of leakage start to appear. Before the trouble starts to manifest, remind ourselves of the impact of our action and inaction to our lives and of others. Train our mind to take control, be responsible and be aware of the consequences of our actions.

By doing so, we can rest easy and watch our car cruise smoothly towards a bright future in the journey of life.

Zaid Mohamad coaches and trains others to bring out their best while enjoying a peaceful, purposeful life. Reach him at

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