Sunday Vibes

Windows to the soul

Ahead of World Photography Day tomorrow, we celebrate the professionals and amateurs who give us a crystal-clear and profound perspective of the world through their unique lens, writes Elena Koshy

PHOTOGRAPHY is often thought of as the art of capturing moments, but in truth, it is so much more. It is a way of seeing into the very heart of life; a medium through which the deepest truths about humanity are revealed.

Through their lens, photographers offer us a window into the lives of others, allowing us to glimpse the raw emotions, untold stories and profound experiences that shape who we are.

The camera has an uncanny ability to capture what words often cannot. In a single frame, a photographer can encapsulate a lifetime of experiences, a complex web of emotions, or a fleeting moment that carries the weight of a thousand unspoken stories.

The following searing images are not just representations of reality; they are windows into the human soul. They remind us of the universal emotions that bind us together — love, loss, hope, fear and resilience.

In a world that often feels disconnected and fragmented, photography has the power to bridge gaps, create empathy and understand where there was once indifference. It allows us to see the world through the eyes of another, to step into their shoes and experience a piece of their life.

As we celebrate World Photography Day tomorrow, we pay tribute to the photographers who, through their craft, help us to see the world — and ourselves — more clearly. They are the storytellers of our time — capturing not just what we look like, but who we are.

Their work challenges us to look deeper, to understand more and to connect with the humanity that we all share. In their images, we find not just pictures, but also mirrors that reflect the deepest truths about life, reminding us of the beauty, complexity and resilience of the human spirit.

A piece of dad

Photographer: KENNY LOH

I TOOK this photograph just last week at a retirement home in Ipoh, and it has resonated with me in a way I hadn't anticipated.

When I came across this scene, I was immediately struck by its quiet yet powerful portrayal of time, memory and the inevitable passage of life. It reminded me so deeply of my father, who spent his last year or so living with me before he passed away in May.

Although I was there with him through his final days, it wasn't until more than two months after his passing that I truly began to feel the weight of his absence.

The grief that had been lying dormant finally surged, and I found myself reflecting on the memories and moments that we shared.

When I think about what my favourite photograph is, this one stands out because it feels like a piece of him is in it. This photograph isn't just a favourite because of its composition or the moment it captures, but because it holds a personal connection to my father.

It's a reminder that, even in his absence, he continues to influence the way I see and capture the world around me. Every time I look at this image, I see a reflection of him and that is what makes it truly special. I believe you will see a part of him in every photograph that you see from me.

Pandemic uncertainties

Photographer: OSMAN ADNAN

THIS photograph, taken in April 2021, captures Mikaiel Kaiesz, a 13-year-old who, like countless other students, endured over six months without face-to-face schooling due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mikaiel had been preparing to sit for Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) that year, but with the prolonged school closures and shift to home-based learning, the government eventually abolished the exam, and Mikaiel's education became entirely virtual.

The transition was anything but smooth. Mikaiel faced the daunting task of keeping up with his studies without the benefit of in-person interactions with teachers and peers.

His parents had to ensure that he had the necessary devices and a conducive learning environment at home, but the lack of physical interaction and the uncertainty of whether he had fully covered his Year 6 syllabus took a toll on him. The loss of co-curricular activities and social connections further compounded the challenges.

This image resonates deeply with me as a parent, as I watched my own son go through similar struggles during the pandemic. The emotional weight of seeing a child adapt to such unprecedented circumstances is something many parents can relate to.

The photograph not only captures Mikaiel's experience, but also reflects the shared journey of parents and children navigating education during a global crisis. This photograph also earned a Silver medal in the KLPA Canon Malaysia 2021 Award.

Of inclusion and dignity

Photographer: AIZUDDIN SAAD

"THIS photo captures the Holi festival celebrated in Vrindavan, India, in March 2014. I had long dreamed of documenting the true spirit of Holi, particularly among the widows and single mothers at the Meera Sahbhagini Ashram. After two years of research, I was finally able to photograph this unique celebration.

For decades, these women, draped in white sarees, lived in isolation and poverty, abandoned by their families and ostracised by society. Since the banning of Sati in the 19th and 20th centuries, Vrindavan had become a refuge for widows, but they remained excluded from festivals like Holi and Deepavali due to societal stigma. The local non-governmental organisation, Sulabh International, has challenged a 400-year-old Hindu tradition by including these women in the celebrations.

At the ashram, the Holi ceremony was conducted with grace. The widows sang hymns in praise of Lord Krishna, and volunteers scattered flower petals, creating a serene and poignant atmosphere.

The event concluded with the women exchanging apologies, symbolising reconciliation and renewal. This photograph captures not just a celebration, but also a profound moment of inclusion and dignity.

Intricate balance


AS I captured the image of a Great Hornbill perched delicately at the edge of a fig tree, balancing expertly to pluck the ripest and juiciest fruit for its mate, I couldn't help but see a special message to me on my birthday. This moment, while seemingly routine for the majestic bird, seemed to echo a deeper connection between nature and our own lives.

The Great Hornbill, with its impressive, heavy beak, navigated the slender branches with remarkable precision. Each move was deliberate and measured, reflecting an intricate dance of balance and awareness.

The bird's ability to harvest the best figs without disturbing the delicate branch underneath demonstrated a profound understanding of its surroundings. It was as if the hornbill was embodying a lesson in mindfulness and harmony — a reminder of the care needed to coexist with nature.

This scene, ordinary in the daily life of the Great Hornbill, resonated with me on a personal level. It illustrated a balance that mirrors our own relationships with the natural world, urging us to be mindful stewards, taking what we need while preserving the delicate ecosystems that sustain us.

On this special day, the image felt like a poignant reminder of the beauty in observing and respecting the natural world's rhythms and the intricate balance it maintains.

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