
Unsung patriot: Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee biography launch

GEORGE TOWN: ‘Unsung Patriot’, a memoir of the first Chief Minister of Penang Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee was launched yesterday.

The 336-page memoir is a run through of his early life and his tenure of 12 years as the state’s chief executive since Merdeka, up to his death 12 years ago.

It features some of his speeches and never before seen pictures from his personal collection.

Co-written by his eldest son, Peter Wong and Penang Institute researcher Koay Su Lynn, the biography details his contribution as a humble statesman.

Wong, whose life started off as a farmer and school teacher in Bukit Mertajam to the highest office of the state, was also a part of the Cobbold Commission in 1962 which paved the way for the formation of Malaysia today.

Having sworn into office on Merdeka day in 1957, he laid the foundation to Penang’s industrial, agricultural and tourism future. He took over the administration from British resident commissioner Robert Porter Bingham.

Wong, an avid Boy Scout with Wood Badge honours, was also instrumental in bringing the first Malaysia Scout Jamboree in 1966 where some 2,300 scouts from all over the world for a week-long gathering at Teluk Bahang.

Wong’s administration drew up the 1964 Penang Master Plan (Munro Report) which paved the way for the modernisation of the state.

Wong passed away on Merdeka day in 2002, leaving behind 10 children and 15 grandchildren. He was 91.

The book was launched by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in a simple ceremony at the Chinese Recreation Club here yesterday. Also present at the launch was his wife Puan Sri Elizabeth Law, 83.

The book will be sold at major bookstores soon. A special autographed version of the book will go on sale at the Logan Heritage Building tomorrow (Saturday) at 11am. For more info, please call 014-941-9798.

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