
Ahmad Ramdzan is now Johor Special Branch chief

JOHOR BARU: Police's former Security Liaison Officer (SLO) in Washington D.C., United States, Senior Assistant Commissioner Ahmad Ramdzan Daud has officially taken over the post of the Johor Special Branch chief, starting today.

The 52-year-old takes over from Datuk Ramli Hassan, who is now the Bukit Aman federal police Special Branch assistant director E1.

A handing over of duties ceremony was held at the Johor police headquarters today, witnessed by Johor police chief Datuk Seri Wan Ahmad Najmuddin Mohd.

In his speech, Najmuddin welcomed Ramdzan’s arrival to Johor, and paid tribute to Ramli for his service, which spanned almost 10 years in the state police.

"Throughout Datuk Ramli's tenure from June 1, 2007 to Feb 15, 2017, there have been many achievements by the state Special Branch in upholding the level of security.

"His service in Johor was not brief, and we thank you for your contributions," said Najmuddin.

Ramli, 57, has served in the police force for about 30 years.

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