Crime & Courts

MACC obtains remand order against senior police officer suspected of bribery

KUALA LUMPUR: The senior police officer arrested for allegedly accepting bribes as inducement to not take action against certain illicit activities has been remanded for three days starting today.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki confirmed the matter to Berita Harian.

Earlier today, Azam confirmed that the MACC has arrested the senior police officer to facilitate investigation into the case.

It was reported that, sources familiar with investigation into the case said the graft-busters found more than RM1 million in raids on several premises allegedly belonging to the officer.

It was also reported that the officer is attached to the Kuala Lumpur contingent police headquarters.

City police chief Datuk Allaudeen Abdul Majid told Harian Metro that any action by the force against the officer would depend on the results of the MACC investigation.

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