
#SHOWBIZ: Aliff, Ruhainies plead not guilty to khalwat charge [WATCH]

KUALA LUMPUR: Controversial celebrities, Aliff Aziz and Ruhainies, pleaded not guilty and asked to be tried in relation to the khalwat case on March 9 when the charges were read at the Federal Territories Syariah High Court, here, this morning.

The two aritstes, represented by lawyers Hadi Salleh and Amirul Ashraf Ghani, pleaded not guilty before the judge, Abu Suffian Abu Yaziz, according to Berita Harian.

The prosecution was made by the syarie prosecutors from the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Department (Jawi), Mohd Nahar Mohamad and Masroha Duki.

"Both appeared today with lawyers Hadi Salleh and Amirul Ashraf Ghani. This case was mentioned on June 20 in the Syariah Lower Court, there was no plea and an adjournment was also made and released with a bail bond of RM1,500 and a bailor," said Masroha in the courtroom.

Aliff also pleaded not guilty after the charge was read.

"I plead not guilty," he said.

Ruhainies also made the same confession.

"I plead not guilty and request to be tried," she said.

Proceedings continued with the trial with the presence of witnesses from the side of the accused.

The court set Oct 12 as the next date and the bail bond was extended until that date.

Aliff and Ruhainies are charged in accordance with Section 27(a) of the Syariah Criminal Offenses (Federal Territories) Act 1997 and Section 27(b) of the same act which carries a maximum fine of RM3,000 or imprisonment of not more than two years or both if found guilty.

On June 20, Aliff and Ruhainies appeared at the Federal Territories Syariah Court for the bail bond extension process against the khalwat case that was reported to have occurred in a luxury condominium, here, on March 9.

After being taken to Jawi for questioning, Aliff and Ruhainies were each released on bail at about 2pm, on the same day.

Previously, the media reported that a married actor and a female actress were arrested after allegedly being found together in a luxury condominium, here.

Sources claimed that the arrests by Jawi personnel were based on public information. The celebrity couple, who were filming a drama together, were reportedly arrested at the residence of the actress.

Following the incident, Aliff and Ruhainies each offered explanations via Instagram (IG) posts on the controversy.

Aliff reportedly explained that nothing had taken place between the two of them when Jawi raided the actress' condominium.

Ruhainies also elaborated on the chronology of events and hoped that Aliff and his now ex-wife, Bella Astillah, would not separate.

Aliff and Bella tied the knot on Sept 9, 2016 and divorced on June 13.

They have two children, Mohamad Ayden Adrean, 7, and Ara Adreanna, 4.

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