Crime & Courts

MACC may freeze bank accounts of Perlis religious officer, two others in corruption probe

KANGAR: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) might freeze bank accounts belonging to a senior officer with the state Islamic Religious Affairs Department (JAIPs) and two men being investigated for allegedly taking bribes to register marriages.

A source with MACC said the anti-graft busters is considering freezing the accounts as investigators are probing the trio for allegedly raking over RM1 million in kickbacks to register the marriage of Malaysian couples who wed in Thailand between 2022 and last year.

"We are not ruling out the possibility of freezing their accounts for further investigation, but we are still looking into the matter," he said, declining to elaborate.

Meanwhile, MACC was granted a three-day remand extension against the suspects, aged between 25 and 52 for further investigation.

Kangar High Court's senior assistant registrar, Ahmad Hamdi Mustafar granted the application after their initial remand order expired today.

It was reported that the MACC had detained a senior officer with JAIPs and an imam and the latter's son in connection with the case.

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