Crime & Courts

Two policemen killed in Ulu Tiram attack promoted posthumously

KUALA LUMPUR: Two policemen who were killed in the Ulu Tiram police station attack on May 17 were posthumously promoted along with three other policemen involved in the incident.

In a ceremony at the Kuala Lumpur Police Training Centre (Pulapol) today, the late Constables Ahmad Azza Fahmi Azhar and Muhamad Syafiq Ahmad Said were posthumously awarded to the rank of Corporal.

The ranks were awarded by Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and was received by both of the late policemen's parents.

Both next-of-kin also received ex-gratia and insurance payouts cheques from the government.

Meanwhile, Corporal Mohd Hasif Roslan who was critically injured in the incident was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, Lance Corporal Mohd Aznel Mat Salleh to Corporal and Constable Mohd Khairul Azhar Abbi Paisa to Lance Corporal.

Saifuddin said the bravery shown by the policemen was a product of the rigorous training module implemented in Pulapol.

"Our training module will only be known for its quality and the competency it produces when tested with incidents like this.

"The men, at a young age, was already exposed to such incidents and if they had poor police training, merely completing the module, they wouldn't have displayed the character shown during the incident.

"This shows that the module didn't just produce a constable with merely a rank but it develops skills and attitude through a very competent training programme," he said.

In the 2.54am incident, two policemen were killed and another was seriously injured by a 'lone wolf' attacker, aged 21. The suspect was later shot and killed at the scene.

On the status of the detainment of five family members of the suspect under Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), Saifuddin said it will still remain as announced previously by Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain.

"Detainment under Sosma will allow us to conduct necessary investigations and during this process, they have the option to bring in lawyers. They are permitted to have legal representation. So for now, they remain detained under the act," he said.

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