Crime & Courts

'Our late sister received numerous death threats over the last year' [WATCH]

IPOH: The woman who was allegedly murdered by her husband in a hotel room in Jalan Pejabat Pos, Batu Gajah, yesterday, had received numerous death threats for over a year.

The victim, Nisya Syahkila Shaharun, was found with stab wounds at the scene, after the 36-year-old suspect surrendered himself at a police station at 2pm.

The victim's elder brother, Syahiran Shaharun, 34, said Nisya Syahkila, the second of six siblings, married the suspect and settled in Kedah in 2022.

However, he said his sister had complained to the family that she was often beaten and threatened by her husband over their finances. It got to a point where their late father insisted on bringing Nisya Syahkila and her nine-year-old son back to the family home in Perak, the same year.

"This was the victim's second marriage. The son is from her first marriage with her late husband.

"During their time in Perak, the victim lodged several police reports because she had been getting numerous threats via phone calls and voice messages.

"In May last year, the suspect was detained by police for two days before being released," Syahiran said when met at the Forensic Department of Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun today.

Syahiran said that on the day of the incident (yesterday), Nisya Syahkila and the suspect were supposed to attend the Syariah Court for divorce proceedings.

His sister met her husband at the hotel, thinking that he had wanted to resolve their marital issues amicably.

"At first, our mother forbade her from meeting him, but she assured everyone that everything would be fine. In fact, in the morning, she managed to send her son to school before returning to meet her husband.

"Perhaps my sister thought that this would be the last time, because previously, her husband had refused to attend court proceedings despite being asked several times.

"The suspect was not close to our family; he only celebrated Hari Raya with us during the early days of their marriage," he said.

Syahiran said the family was still in shock over Nisya Syahkila's murder.

"Before this, she had mentioned that she had wanted to live far away, if her husband did not divorce her. I thought she wanted to live and work elsewhere.

"Looking back, I never thought her words were a sign that she would leave forever," he said, adding that Nisya Syahkila would be buried at the Kampung Changkat Belengkor Muslim Cemetery, Batu Gajah, after Asar prayers today.

Earlier, the media reported that the magistrate's court in Batu Gajah today allowed the suspect to be remanded for seven days until June 27, to assist police investigations under Section 302 of the Penal Code.

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