
Monday's flood worst experienced by locals

KOTA BELUD: The recent flood which inundated most of the district here was described as the worst experienced by the locals.

The flood which began on Monday night saw more than 1,000 people from 26 villages evacuated in the past few days.

District officer Abdul Gari Hitam said the flood situation had improved and some villagers were allowed to return home.

However, he advised them to be vigilant as the flood this time was unpredictable and the water could rise in a short time.

“This year, the district was hit by 70 flash floods and six major flooding that required evacuation,” he said.

Flood victim Sinah Jaab, 57, from Kampung Tanjung Pasir Sembirai here, recalled Monday night as the longest her family had to endure waiting to be rescued.

“About 7pm, I called my cousin and told him to inform the authority that we needed to be evacuated as the floodwater had risen up to my knees.

“Past midnight, the water rose up to my chin but help only arrived when the water receded the following day,” she said, adding that the currents were also strong that night.

As they were waiting to be rescued, the family moved to a nearby stilt hut.

Sinah said she only took some important documents and sought shelter at the hut.

“The children, aged between 4 and 9, had to starve overnight as there was no food or water for them.

“We lost most of our belongings in the flood, but are thankful that we are safe,” she said, adding they hoped to save money to renovate the house.

As of 5pm, there were still 907 victims at three evacuation centres here. Two other centres were closed at 1.30pm.

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