
This Merdeka, let the Jalur Gemilang fly with pride

KUALA LUMPUR: Raise the Jalur Gemilang high, let it fly with pride.

In making this call, Malaysia Unity Foundation trustee Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said every citizen of Malaysia who loves the nation must do so in conjunction with the upcoming National Day celebrations on Aug 31.

According to him, the Jalur Gemilang is a symbol of Malaysia's independence and sovereignty, and everyone should embed it deep in their heart with a sense of pride and patriotism.

“Many people ask whether it is important for us to fly the Jalur Gemilang. Some do not understand its significance in conjunction with the National Day celebrations.

“Perhaps for the younger generation, they are more comfortable to express their patriotic feelings through the social media. However, I believe the impact is greater if we fly the flag on our premises and vehicles.

“If we really love our country, we certainly would not mind buying a Jalur Gemilang to commemorate the very significant and auspicious occasion,” he said in a statement today.

Lim said the patriotic spirit must be inculcated in schools and homes to enable the young generation to respect symbols of the nation’s sovereignty such as the national flag.

“Malaysians like me who had been through difficult times before independence are ever ready to show our patriotism, since our love for the country and its symbols of sovereignty are already embedded deep in our heart.

“The older generation loves the country and cherishes its independence because we had been through difficult times under the Japanese occupation and during the communist insurgency.

“I myself will always ensure a mini Jalur Gemilang is placed on the dashboard of my car, while a full-size national flag flies high in the compound of my home everytime August comes.”

Lee said, Malaysians, especially the younger generation must be prepared to play their role in building a society that is steeped in noble values, knowledge and with a sense of self-worth.

“The younger generation needs to be aware of the significance of independence. Racial diversity might be one of the unique features of Malaysia but without strong understanding, the desire to create a Bangsa Malaysia may never be realised. Diversity, when managed properly, makes Malaysia a truly unique and special nation.”

Lee said, in conjunction with the National Day celebration this August, more efforts must be made to explain and help the younger generation to understand and appreciate the real meaning of independence.

“For the older generation, the National Day brings memories of the struggle against colonialism to achieve independence. For them, it symbolises sacrifices and pride in knowing what they country had achieved so far.”

He added that expressing one’s feelings through the right channel is one of the basic rights which should be practised by all patriotic Malaysians who want the best for the nation.

“In this regard, expressing differing opinions does not make a person less patriotic, and his loyalty to the country should not be questioned.”

Lee said, Malaysia today stands out in the world as an example of how different ethnic communities can live in peace and harmony, and work together for the progress and well-being of the nation.

As a country of diverse races, cultures, religions and languages, Malaysia is indeed unique in proving how that diversities could be united and harnessed for nation building.

“We should continue with greater fervour and determination to strive towards building our multi-racial nation into a united Malaysian nation with a sense of common and shared destiny.

“National unity is very vital and is the key to Malaysia’s success. Whether the country becomes a fully developed nation will depend on a number of important factors, the most primary being national unity.”

Lee said unity should be the basis of all activities in all sectors of the country.

“Malaysians should be more conscious of their role and contribution towards national unity, which is paramount to the nation’s development.

“National development would be meaningless without understanding, harmony, goodwill and trust among the multiracial communities.

“In order that the process will not in any way be impaired, policy makers, planners and implementers have to be committed to the principle that their thoughts and deeds would always be guided and governed by the objectives and standards of Rukunegara and the sacrosanctity of the Federal Constitution.”

He said education is the most important process in sowing the seeds of unity among the people, as well as making positive values a part of the culture.

“Education policies should produce wholesome individuals who are intellectually, physically and spiritually sound. In order to unite the community through education, the following measures need to be sustained:-

i) Ensure that educational programmes and teachers’ training at all levels from school to college and university are geared towards national unity.

ii) Enhance integration of students of various races in co-curricular activities and associations, in classrooms and at hostels;

iii) Enhance teaching of universal values and local traditions of various races in all schools;

iv) Reject the formation of race-based clubs or associations, or disallow the conduct of race-based activities in schools as well as in public and private universities;

v) Eradicate inter-racial and intra-racial polarisation among students in primary and secondary schools; colleges; and public and private universities by implementing activities which encourage them to interact with each other, including the sharing of hostels at university; and

vi) Establish unity clubs in primary and secondary schools, colleges and public and private universities to foster unity among students.

According to Lee, social development through community activities such as sports, visits, work camps, formation of societal organisations, unity gatherings, festivals, “gotong-royong” and others should also continue, to enhance societal integration and promote the spirit of neighbourliness.

“This is also in line with the theme of our National Day celebrations this year, “Love our Malaysia: A Clean Malaysia”, which stressed on the importance of unity and patriotism for the well-being of the people as well as shared prosperity.

“It is also hoped that the theme would instill integrity and strong character among Malaysians.”

Lee said as the organising chairman of the #AnakAnakMalaysia 2019 campaign, he has also stressed on the importance of each and every Malaysian to play their role effectively to help Malaysia become a better nation.

He said Malaysia is now considered a model country which has succeeded in managing ethnic relations compared to other countries.

“Malaysia has fervent hopes that its people would be united, dynamic and progressive in this new millennium.

However, this depends on the willingness of its plural society and its leaders to ensure co-operation the spirit of give and take.

“National unity is the responsibility and obligation of every individual. Malaysians should be prepared not only in the economic sense but also, psychologically and socially to face the challenges of a new era, in its desire to strive towards achieving its objective of becoming a developed nation.

“The National Day’s theme this year, “Love our Malaysia: A Clean Malaysia” is very apt, at a time when the country is facing various challenges while trying to not only be clean on the physical aspect but also have high integrity.

“Malaysia has proven how diversity can be a force for nation-building. After 62 years of nationhood, we must strive forward with determination to ensure that our multiracial country remains united with its plural society, sharing the same purpose and ambition.

“Unity can be a fragile thread that breaks easily. Or it can be a powerful anchor that holds steady the nation. The choice is ours to make.

“Despite its flaws, Malaysia has succeeded in overcoming various challenges and developed the foundation for attaining racial harmony and unity.

“Let us preserve and protect what we have achieved thus far through the spirit of understanding and tolerance. We must not allow extremism and actions in whatever form to wreck our beloved country because this is the land where we were born, live and work, and eventually, our final resting place.”

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