
New numbers for Media Prima channels on Astro

KUALA LUMPUR: Beginning April 1, the channel numbers on Astro are set to undergo a renumbering exercise, according to HD and packages.

This exercise will affect the channels under Media Prima that are available on Astro.

TV3 remains at 103 and is not affected by the renumbering.

NTV7, 8TV and TV9 will be housed at 147, 148 and 149 respectively. Previously NTV7 was at 107, 8TV at 708 and TV9 at 119.

According to Astro, they are reorganising the channel listings by moving the HD channel numbers to higher positions for easier access to the best quality version of the channel.

Astro customers do not have to do anything as they can seamlessly continue to watch these channels at their new numbers.

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