
Sabah updates entry guidelines for international travellers

KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah government has released an updated entry guideline for international travellers which will take immediate effect.

State Covid-19 spokesman Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said travellers, whether by air, land or sea, are given the option to undergo a Covid-19 rapid test kit-antigen test done by trained healthcare personnel upon arrival into Sabah.

The test can be done either at the international Points of Entry (PoE) or outside the international PoE within 24 hours.

"This also applies to the international 'transit' travellers at international PoEs in Malaysia, which are located outside Sabah; as well as international 'transit' travellers who enter Sabah through Singapore," he said in a statement today.

International transit travellers at the international PoE in Malaysia are also allowed to continue their journey to Sabah, he said.

As for the pre-entry, Masidi said the guidelines are in accordance with the existing regulations of the procedure for entering Malaysia as outlined by the Health Ministry.

Today, Sabah's new Covid-19 cases dropped to below 50 – the lowest since March 30, last year.

He said the low infections resulted from the effectiveness of vaccines that have been given to almost all eligible population in Sabah.

"The high level of SOP compliance among the people in Sabah also helps to reduce Covid-19 infections.

"It is hoped that people will continue their discipline during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations," he said.

A total of 44 out of the 48 patients today were under categories one and two, while three were in the fourth category, and one in category five.

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