
MyEG illegally renewing workers permits

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia government's electronic services provider MY E.G. Services Bhd (MyEG) was alleged to be renewing workers permits illegally till today.

Khoo Poay Tiong (Kota Melaka-PH) said the companies were still being allowed to do so even though the service had been terminated by the government.

He said that companies were able to renew foreign worker and maid worker permit renewals as advertised on their website.

However, after payments were made, the companies would not receive the permits.

"They also cannot provide refunds until the companies show proof they have renewed it with the Immigration Department.

"But MyEG issued invoices with Immigration logo on it.

"The Immigration Department and police must investigate if there are any elements of crime," he said when debating on the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) mid-term review in parliament today.

Apart from permit renewals, MyEG also offers road tax renewal and driving licence renewal.

The Immigration Department has said that its services will be fully done through National Integrated Immigration System (NIISe) by the year 2025.

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