
Twins vow to change family's plight through education

BAYAN LEPAS: Hilma Yasarah Hussain and her twin sister, Hilma Yasirah, 19, could not contain their joy when their wish to pursue a degree in mechatronic engineering at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) became a reality.

To add to their joy, the older twin, Hilma Yasarah, was selected as a recipient under the Pembangunan Siswa Sulung (SULUNG) USM programme.

Under SULUNG, she is exempted from paying the university fee, except for lodging, throughout her studies at the varsity. This is aimed at reducing the financial burden of the B40 family.

Their father, Hussain Syukor, 61, works as a labourer earning RM600 monthly while their mother, Nooraini Awang, 57, is unemployed.

Hilma Yassrah, the third among four siblings, said she and her sister always dreamt of furthering their studies to change their family's plight.

"We understand the hardship faced by our father in making ends meet to ensure we are able to further our studies.

"So, when we applied to further our studies in USM, we were told about the SULUNG programme. We applied for a placement in the programme to help our father out financially," she said when met at their home in Kampung Nelayan, Teluk Kumbar here today.

They received a visit from USM vice chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Mohamed.

Both sisters received financial aid and other form of assistance to further their studies.

Hilma Yasarah said she and her sister would apply for loan from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) to ensure they will not face financial constraints throughout their studies.

Meanwhile, Hussain said when his two daughters received the offer to further their studies, he was worried thinking about the high cost.

"But when Hilma Yasarah told me she was accepted for the SULUNG USM programme, I was grateful."

Meanwhile, Rahman said the SULUNG USM was aimed at B40 families who are putting their first generation of kin to go undergo tertiary education. He said the requirement states that an applicant must not have any other family members who had previously furthered their studies.

He said Hilma Yasarah was selected as a recipient under the programme because she was the eldest in her family and she was going to enter university.

''She received feedback exemption throughout her course, mentoring and others.

"In terms of her sister's fee, 90 per cent is subsidised by the government.

"In fact, USM is also assisting the two for their lodging fees, whereby they only need to pay RM375 for each semester," said Rahman.

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