
Bersih rally targets electoral reforms, DNAA moratorium

KUALA LUMPUR: The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) will march towards Parliament from Tugu Negara on Tuesday to demand legislative reforms.

In a post on X today, the group said this marked its first 'Reformasi 100 peratus' (100 per cent reform) campaign.

Bersih chairman Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz said the campaign would address issues related to general elections and corruption, including reforms to the Election Offences Act.

"We'll call for a moratorium on discharge not amounting to acquittal (DNAA) in corruption cases.

"We are also urging for the separation of the roles of the attorney-general and the public prosecutor to be presented immediately," he told the 'New Straits Times'.

Faisal said the group intended to meet the prime minister on the same day to discuss the reform agenda.

Bersih is encouraging the public to participate in the demonstration, scheduled to begin at Tugu Negara at 8am, by wearing black or yellow clothes.

The parliamentary sitting will run from Feb 26 to March 27.

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