
Demand for Thai rice slows down after reduction of imported white rice price in Malaysia

TUMPAT: The government's decision to reduce the price of imported white rice has dealt a blow to Thai rice sellers operating in the Takbai market.

The market on the Thai side of the border is located directly opposite Pengkalan Kubor, Kelantan.

The traders who have been operating for decades claimed that the reduction in the price of imported white rice (BPI) in Malaysia has slightly affected their businesses.

A trader who only wanted to be known as Pak Him said he received few cusomers from Kelantan after the Malaysian government announced the new price of imported white rice.

"For many years, many Malaysians travelled to the Takbai market to buy Thai rice as they prefer to eat rice produced in Thailand.

"But since last week, the number of buyers slightly dropped as people now prefer to get imported white rice in Malaysia after its price was reduced," said the 68-year-old, who operates at the Takbai market.

Another Thai rice seller who declined to be named said his business was badly affected by the recent change in price of imported rice in Malaysia.

"I only see locals (Thais) buying my rice," said the 47-year-old.

A survey along the Golok river showed there were barely any boats ferrying Malaysian passengers to go to the Takbai market to buy rice.

Many boats were seen parked along the jetties.

It was reported that the retail price of imported white rice (BPI) was reduced between RM2 and RM3 beginning March 20.

The Agriculture and Food Security Ministry had said the decision was finalised during the National Livelihood Action Council Meeting (Naccol) meeting on March 19.

The meeting had also discussed measures to manage the shortage of local white rice (BPT) in the market following the adjustment of BPI price by Padiberas Nasional Bhd (BERNAS) on Sept 1, last year.

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