
Mature trees given serious attention in Kota Kinabalu to avoid falling

KOTA KINABALU: The Kota Kinabalu City Hall is paying serious attention to the management of mature trees around the city.

This was prompted by the heavy rains and strong winds that hit Kota Kinabalu recently, said City Hall in a statement.

Among the actions to be taken is to double the inspection and maintenance of mature trees on a monthly basis by City Hall's Landscape Department.

Tree branch pruning will be done periodically, in addition to examining the health of the trees to identify any risk of them falling.

The department will also increase tree health checks and overall tree maintenance.

Tree trimming is scheduled in all areas, but the focus will be on mature trees along main roads.

Effective tree healthcare and monitoring, as well as meticulous tree maintenance in accordance with correct arboricultural practices, are crucial to avoid cases of falling trees that could result in loss of life and damage to public property.

To date, a total of 18,756 mature or old trees are under City Hall's supervision, and all of them will continue to be closely monitored according to the established schedule.

Additionally, City Hall has developed a comprehensive Mature Tree Management Plan which includes a basic mitigation plan and several other comprehensive action plans that will soon be implemented.

According to the statement, these action plans include streamlining the tree inventory, increasing the number of staff, providing training in tree trimming skills, developing guidelines for dealing with trees at risk and for utility work involving trees, and increasing tree inspections by certified arborists.

It added, City Hall pays close attention to tree management because well-managed and well-maintained trees can not only avoid risk but also provide functional, aesthetic, and ecological benefits, contributing to a conducive and high-quality environment.

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