
Sabah's TVET icon aims to make waves through Unduk Ngadau participation

KOTA KINABALU: Alesyah Asa had proven her academic mettle by becoming a finalist in the Global Student Prize 2022, as well as earning the prestigious Sabah TVET (Technical & Vocational Education and Training) Icon Award in 2023 for her work in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Now, the 22-year-old is aiming for a different kind of prestige, representing Nabawan as one of the 51 finalists for this year's national Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan pageant.

Alesyah, who is an assistant senior supervisor with a construction company, hopes to use the pageant as a platform to effect change beyond her community.

"I joined the Unduk Ngadau pageant because I want to challenge myself and experience new things other than TVET. It was also due to my family encouragement," said Alesyah, who is a pure Murut Tahol from Nabawan.

Murut Tahol is the largest sub-ethnic of Murut ethnic groups in Sabah, with the majority residing in the Nabawan, Pensiagan, Keningau and Tenom districts.

With the Unduk Ngadau pageant elevated to national level status, Alesyah said the "battle of the beauties" also comes with a big responsibility.

"Winning isn't everything. I want to bring my culture, especially our traditional attire - Pinongkoloh - into the spotlight as well as inspire many to take pride in their roots and keep their traditions alive.

"I also hope to promote Sabah's culture, language and traditional costumes beyond the state," she said.

Asked about the Murut Tahol traditional attire, Alesyah said the Pinongkoloh is embroidered with beads. The accessories used for Pinongkoloh are also unique and if they share similarities with other ethnicities, the names of the accessories may be different.

"For example, the accessory worn on the forehead is called 'salupai vulul' while the accessory at the back of the head is called 'sinikot'.

"On my neck is 'rarangkol vungkas'; for the arm, it's 'holong sulimbuk vinatikan', hand - 'holong sulou', wrist - 'holong sulimbuk kinalingan', waist - 'pipirot linggit', and the back accessory is 'lumpirot suimpluk kinalingan/vungkas'," she said.

The Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan finals will be held at the Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) in Penampang on May 31.

The winner will walk away with RM100,000 in prizes.

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