
Zulkifli died doing what he loved, says late climber's friend

KUALA LUMPUR: A friend of a Malaysian man who died while descending Mount Denali in Alaska, the United States, paid tribute to him on Facebook yesterday.

Saiful Abdullah wrote on Zulkifli Yusuf's kindness and dedication.

"His passion and dedication were evident in everything he did, and it is a comfort to know he spent his final moments doing what he loved," said Saiful.

"May Allah grant him the highest place in Jannah, and provide strength and patience to his family and loved ones."

He said Zulkifli would be remembered for his enthusiasm, kindness, and the light he brought into many lives.

"His legacy will live on through the memories we cherish and the inspiration he gave us.

"May we honour his memory by living our lives with the same passion and dedication that he showed.

"My future relief mission will be for you, my dear friend," said Saiful.

Zulkifli was one of three Malaysian climbers who reached the peak of Mount Denali, but was trapped during their descent due to adverse weather conditions.

Ayob Yahya, the communication chief of Alpine Club Malaysia, said the cause of his death was suspected to be high-altitude pulmonary edema hypothermia.

He said, however, that a post-mortem would be conducted soon.

Zulkifli's body is still at the scene, and the retrieval process may take time depending on the weather conditions.

The two other climbers were brought down and are in stable condition at a hospital in Alaska.

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