
Brothers team up with dad in Power Rangers gig

KUALA TERENGGANU: Two siblings join their father to earn a living by donning Power Rangers costumes at Pasar Besar Kedai Payang.

The presence of the two little heroes with their father certainly caught the attention of many visitors, especially children who didn't miss the opportunity to take pictures.

Without minding the heat and fatigue, Muhd Danial, 10, along with his younger brother, Muhd Danish, 9, took advantage of their school holidays to help their father, Mohd Amirul Alif Jofri, 33.

Danial said he and his brother willingly chose to wear the superhero costumes and their father did not force them.

"Dad never forced us to wear the costumes, but we wanted to wear them to help him.

"At first, it felt embarrassing and hot, but gradually it became enjoyable because we could entertain the people who came.

"The money we receive, Dad doesn't take it, instead it will be saved. At least we can earn our own pocket money," he said.

Meanwhile, Amirul said he never forced his children to wear costumes with him; rather, they did it willingly.

He only allowed his children to accompany him during their free time because he didn't want to disrupt their studies.

"At first, they just wanted to accompany me, but over time they said they wanted to help me, so I brought them here, but only on weekends and school holidays."

According to Amirul, he started wearing costumes to earn a living after losing his job because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said he set aside the embarrassment and discomfort of wearing the costume to earn a living for his family.

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