
Malaysian pilgrims advised not to resort to tricks to access Kaaba area

MAKKAH: Malaysian haj pilgrims were reminded not to resort to any tricks, such as wearing ihram solely to be in the Kaabah area or Mataf.

The Supervisor of Hajj Worship in the Holy Land (Pihtas), Ustaz Suhaimi Samad, said that such actions are completely wrong because wearing ihram is only for those performing umrah or haj.

He further stated that it is considered unethical as it violates the rights of others performing Tawaf in the Mataf area.

"I have received many questions regarding the legality of not performing Umrah but wearing ihram to perform Tawaf in Mataf.

"The Tawaf was valid, but ethically it was wrong and it was something that should not be done.

"Especially when the authorities have announced that the directive is only for those intending to perform Umrah," he said recently.

The conditions before performing Tawaf include being clean, cover aurat, and intended to perform Tawaf.

It also starts from the corner of Hajarul Aswad, making sure the Kaabah is on the left side and walking forward with seven complete rounds.

However, he said in some situations, for example, if a husband wants to accompany his wife in completing Tawaf, he is allowed to wear ihram.

"A husband wanting to accompany his wife who has not yet completed her ihram even though the husband has finished (Umrah), this case is permitted," he said.

At the same time, Suhaimi also advised haj pilgrims to comply with the regulations set by the Saudi Arabian authorities.

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