
Expand sex education syllabus in schools to protect minors from sexual abuse, says Nancy

KUALA LUMPUR: The current school syllabus on sex education needs to be expanded to help inform and guard minors against sexual harassment.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said that advocating for this is a matter of urgency as most cases of sexual harassment and abuse involve those close to the victims– often their own family members.

The issue, she said, will be raised and deliberated in the upcoming National Social Council meeting alongside other relevant ministries.

"In the meeting, we will outline the necessary actions for each minister and clarify their roles in advancing this issue," she told the New Straits Times today.

She highlighted that at present, the school syllabus on sex education is limited and needs to be enhanced.

"I've been informed that our current school syllabus devotes only four pages to sex education, which clearly needs improvement.

"We must adopt a more open approach, as we always think differently when it comes to the word 'sex'," she said.

Nancy, who came for a special interview with NST's Beyond the Headlines, touched on the need to make children more informed on sexual boundaries and how to feel safe in any environment.

She noted that schools and Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) are increasingly asking her ministry to organise advocacy programmes to increase awareness.

"See, there is awareness among children. When I ask them what number to call if something (sexually inappropriate) like this happens, they say they know the number.

"So we have to teach them from a young age. I mean, from a very young age. From when they're kids. It's not us teaching, but we have our speakers (experts and counsellors), even the police are there.

"They are taught what is safe to touch and what should not be. This is where we address sexual harassment– by informing them.

Currently, sex education is taught in secondary school starting from Form 3 as part of the Biology syllabus.

Some proponents, however, have asked for the syllabus to be introduced to children earlier, at primary level, to make them better informed.

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