
At Idaman Apartment, residents seek closure over Zayn Rayyan case

PETALING JAYA: Residents of Idaman Apartment in Damansara Damai are still reeling from the tragic murder of Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin last December.

When met by the New Straits Times, many expressed sorrow over the latest developments, and said they hoped for closure over Zayn's tragic death.

Muhammad Ksadafi Ali, 49, expressed sorrow over the incident, drawing a personal connection to the grief felt by Zayn Rayyan's parents.

"My feelings are closely related to Zayn's parents because recently, I lost a child due to premature birth, let alone when a child is murdered," he said.

He also said that he often follows the case developments through Facebook and other social platforms.

Another resident who would like to be known as Hairi, 34, recounted his involvement in the initial search for Zayn, an autistic child who went missing before the murder was discovered.

"I am one of those who participated in the search for Zayn when he first went missing, so I was shocked when I received information that Zayn was murdered.

" Not only did I follow the case progress through news, but I was also involved in efforts to search for the victim circulated in the WhatsApp group," he shared.

Another concerned resident, known as Abe Mat, 50, echoed the community's sentiment of sorrow and the desire for closure.

"When I first heard the news, I felt really sad and sorry for the late Zayn Rayyan's parents.

" However, I trust the police to do their investigation thoroughly and I hope the murderer will be caught and justice will be served," he said.

Today, NST reported that Lawyer Fahmi Abd Moin confirmed that investigations into the tragic murder of 6-year-old Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin will continue under Section 302 of the Penal Code.

Despite the parents being charged under Section 31 of the Child Act and released on bail, he said the police were continuing their pursuit of the real perpetrator.

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