
'Sabah tourism authorities must tackle safety issues following another drowning accident'

KOTA KINABALU: Tourism authorities must urgently tackle safety issues following yet another drowning accident, said the Sabah Association of Tour and Travel Agents (Satta).

It made the call in the wake of a Chinese national, 25, drowning while diving around Pulau Mamutik near here on Saturday.

The victim was among a group of seven, including a diving instructor.

"Three dive masters to handle seven beginner divers isn't enough to ensure the safety of tourists, especially as they are beginners who don't know much about the dangers under the sea.

"Many tourists don't listen to instructors or are too excited to pay attention. This is very common," said Satta chairman Datuk Seri Winston Liaw.

He said the authorities should impose a one-to-one policy, meaning one dive master to handle one tourist.

"This is to ensure that even if the tourist doesn't understand instructions and performs a dangerous move, the dive master can stop him immediately."

This measure should be included in the Tourism Act for industry players to follow, and enforcement should be carried out, he said.

He said it was important to understand the act to ensure a safe and healthy industry, and to protect the safety of travellers.

"We have received many complaints from licensed tour operators that regulations have been ignored."

He said licensed travel agents acted as lawful advisers to tourists and ensured their safety during their holiday.

Most accidents happened when tourists hired unlicensed operators who offered cheaper prices, he added.

"I urge the tourism authorities, including the Sabah Tourism Board, to hold dialogues with industry players about safety."

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