
Sanusi: No discussion to make Langkawi a Muslim-friendly destination

ALOR STAR: The Kedah government has no plan to make Langkawi a Muslim-friendly tourist destination as announced by the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry's (Motac) Deputy Minister Khairul Firdaus Akhbar Khan.

Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor said the matter was never discussed at the state government's level.

"Langkawi is located in Kedah territory and the island belongs to the state.

"We have never said that we want to make Langkawi a Muslim-friendly tourist island and the matter was never discussed at the state government's level," he said in a press conference after presenting incentives to Kedah students who excelled in major examinations at Wisma Darul Aman today.

Sanusi took a swipe at DAP for bringing up allegations that Kedah government has banned visitors from wearing shorts in Langkawi.

"It started with DAP. They said we banned people from wearing shorts. The same goes with the Tourism Minister. He had also made the same claim.

"They created lies and they themselves believed the lies. That's their problem," he said.

On Monday, Khairul Firdaus had informed the Dewan Rakyat that the ministry was planning to promote Langkawi as a Muslim-friendly tourist destination.

He has said this in response to DAP's Seputeh member of parliament Teresa Kok's question on claims that visitors to Langkawi are banned from wearing shorts in public.

Prior to that Motac Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing had claimed that he received complaints on power abuse among the state government officers in Langkawi; harassing visitors about dress codes and alcohol consumption.

Sanusi brushed off the claims, saying that there is no such thing.

Meanwhile, on Khairul Firdaus justification that Langkawi should be promoted as a Muslim-friendly destination as it is facing fierce competition from islands in a neighbouring country, Sanusi said the issue did not arise.

"Langkawi is one of the 10 famous islands in the world. This is a fact that we must acknowledge and Langkawi is the gateway into this country, not only Kedah.

"Langkawi generates billions of ringgit in the tourism sector for the country. We must preserve this prestige. So don't just limit (Langkawi) to Muslims only. We are open to everyone," he said.

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