
Cake: Federal govt should heed Kedah sultan's call for RM200mil incentive payment

ALOR STAR: The federal government has been urged to heed the decree of Sultan of Kedah Al-Aminul Karim Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah to approve the state's request for a fiscal incentive payment of RM200 million.

This incentive is a reciprocal mechanism after Kedah maintained a significant portion of its land for agricultural purposes, benefiting the entire nation.

Consumers Association of Kedah (Cake) president Yusrizal Yusoff said the government must recognise the sacrifice Kedah has made to ensure the nation's food security.

"Kedah has sacrificed by reserving land for padi cultivation to ensure food security for the country as set by the government's agricultural policy.

"The state has been demanding a padi royalty for a long time because the state sacrifices by not developing certain areas," he said.

Yusrizal said the federal government must act fairly towards Kedah to ensure development and income are on par with other developed states.

He stressed that Kedah should not be sidelined by the federal government due to political differences between the federal and state governments.

"We hope Kedah is not treated unfairly so that the people here can enjoy what other states are experiencing. It is still part of the Federation of Malaysia.

"What was decreed by Sultan Sallehuddin is aligned with the current situation in Kedah. We do not want Kedah to be ignored by the federal government," he added.

Yesterday, Sultan Sallehuddin, in his decree during his 82nd birthday celebration ceremony, requested the federal government approve the state's request for a fiscal incentive payment of RM200 million.

He had said the RM200 million fiscal incentive is seen as balancing Kedah's future revenue and expenses, especially for the state's socio-economic development.

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