
Unhappy with Petronas-Petros cooperation? Take it to court, says Sarawak premier

KUCHING: Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Abang Openg said those unhappy with the cooperation between Petronas and Petroleum Sarawak Bhd (Petros) can take the matter to court.

He said the cooperation between the two companies in Sarawak's oil and gas industry was lawful.

He said Sarawak was not attempting to monopolise the oil and gas industry through Petros by encroaching on Petronas' rights.

"I reiterate this so that the public understands that whatever we are doing is based on the law. There is no issue of which is superior or inferior between Petronas and Petros."

He said Sarawak had extensive experience in the oil and gas industry as the state's petroleum company was established in 1910, while Petronas was founded in 1974.

"If there are any dissatisfied parties, they should bring it to court and let the court decide," he said in his speech at the Sarawak Oil and Gas Industry Vendor Cooperation Appreciation event here today.

A total of 46 Petronas vendors in Sarawak received awards at the event.

Present was Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian, state Utility and Telecommunications Minister Datuk Seri Julaihi Narawi and Malaysia Petroleum Management senior vice-president Datuk Bacho Pilong Datuk Bacho Pilong.

Abang Johari said Petros could play a significant role in the oil and gas industry with the rights accorded to Sarawak under the law.

This includes the Land Code, Oil Mining Ordinance 1958, Gas Distribution Ordinance 2016, the Federal Constitution, as well as the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

"Petros and Petronas are collaborating within the framework of these laws. Sarawak has rights in the oil and gas industry.

"Sarawak is not violating the spirit of cooperation with Petronas. I emphasise this to clarify the situation as there are incorrect claims on social media about Sarawak's involvement in the oil and gas industry through Petros."

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