
20kg korban meat from Bangladesh seized at airport

KOTA BARU: A man's wishes to cook the sacrificial meat he obtained in Bangladesh with his family were dashed when the consignment was seized at an airport here, recently.

The 20kg of beef, worth about RM600, was confiscated by Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services Department (Maqis) officers at the Sultan Ismail Petra airport in Pengkalan Chepa, on June 26.

Kelantan Maqis director, Syed Fuad Syed Putra, said the seizure was made at the airport's arrival hall about 6pm.

However, he said no one was arrested.

"Maqis officers were conducting routine checks at the arrival area when they were informed by a passenger, of a man, carrying meat.

"Upon checking, the man, in his 40s, admitted that it was from (Aidiladha) 'korban' (sacrificial rites) held in Bangladesh."

He said the meat was seized as a precaution against the foot and mouth disease infection.

He said those caught bringing in agricultural products without a Maqis permit, can be penalised under Section 11(2) of the Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services Act 2011, and punishable under Section 11(3) of the same law.

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