
Kuantan city council probing fatal accidents involving lorries watering plants

KUANTAN: The two fatal accidents that saw road users crashing into lorries that were watering flower plants along the Kuantan Bypass stretch involved different contractors.

Kuantan City Council corporate and public communications department head Nor Hayatul Huda Othman said the council has called both contractors to assist in the ongoing internal investigations.

"The incidents on Aug 7 and Aug 19 involved different contractors and the matter is still under investigation. The council is conducting an internal probe on the incidents," she said in a statement today.

Two people were killed in separate incidents on Aug 7 and Aug 19 after their vehicles crashed into the rear of a lorry that was watering plants at the Kuantan Bypass stretch.

Both families are mulling legal action.

Meanwhile, Nor Hayatul said contractors appointed by the council to carry out plant watering works in the state capital are always required to adhere to the necessary safety specifications.

"The operators have to be equipped with safety cones, flags and signages while their workers have to be geared up in safety vests and the hazard lights have to be switched on while travelling on the fast lane while watering the plants.

"Failure by the contractor to comply with the safety requirements will force the council to impose action including terminating their contracts," she said, adding motorists are reminded to always abide by the speed limit.

Meanwhile, Kuantan police chief Assistant Commissioner Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu yesterday chaired a briefing with the council and contractors appointed by the council.

In a Facebook post, the district Traffic Enforcement and Investigation Department said the briefing was attended by 17 contractors in charge of the 19 zones in Kuantan.

"The issues raised were on procedures while on the job. problems at the site and suggestions for further improvements," read the posting.

After durian orchard owner Gee Len Fatt, 63, was killed in the 12.30pm incident on Aug 7, 19-year-old motorcyclist Muhammad Nafis Ifwat Sasuhilmy died in another crash with a lorry that was watering plants at the same stretch on Aug 19.

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