NST Viral

#NSTviral: Rat horror - Woman cautions drivers against parking near rat-infested areas [Watch]

KUALA LUMPUR: What is among the worst nightmares among car owners who park their vehicle in open parking spaces?

Perhaps, to some, it may be unknowingly parking their vehicle in areas infested with rats.

That maybe the reason why a TikTok user @bengtures took the trouble to alert other car owners against parking their vehicle at an area located near grassy path holes

In a clip posted on the social media platform, the TikTok user was seen placing a note on the windscreen of another car to alert the driver of the vehicle.

"So, I wrote this person a note. I am going to leave it on the car (of the owner). If someone saw rats going in and out of my car, I will want to know (about it).

"This (note) is for you, I hope you get it, I hope you get your car checked," the TikTok user said in the clip.

The note was prompted by her observation of rats peeking out of holes and scurrying around the car.

In the video, she also cautioned drivers against parking near grassy areas with holes, claiming that such spots are likely habitats for rats.

"If you see this, you should not park here because these are where rats reside. Because they (the rats) might get into your car and chew off some cables, reside in there (your car), and give birth to babies," she said.

She also shared an story about a friend whose car was infested with rats, particularly around the air-conditioning vents.

"One of my friend's wife experienced it while driving; she felt things moving around in the car but couldn't figure out what it was.

"When they checked, they discovered that a rat had given birth in the air conditioning vent," she recounted.

The post has received over 422,000 views and 33,000 likes, with many expressing concern about encountering a similar situation with rats, while others shared their own experiences.

Pak Mus commented: "My biggest fear! It is better to encounter ghosts than rats."

Azie8990 said: "Scary. I remember a rat entering the house through the toilet drain. It passed by while I was praying. Suddenly, it turned around and came towards me."

Basirah Bahrin said: "Where there are rats, there will be snakes too! We once found a snake measuring up to two metres under those (dug holes)."

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