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#NSTviral: Shoe cobbler's daughter overcomes adversity to achieve 7As in SPM [Watch]

KUALA LUMPUR: A shoe cobbler's daughter, Alia Mayasarah Abd Nasir, 18, shed tears of joy as she checked her Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2023 results yesterday, achieving an impressive 7As and 1B.

The heartwarming moment, captured in a 56-second video uploaded by @liliess06, has touched many online.

Alia, who did not attend any tuition classes, studied independently at home while caring for her father, who suffers from gout.

"As the youngest and only child at home, I had to divide my time between studying and taking care of my father, who couldn't walk due to gout," she told the New Straits Times.

Despite financial constraints preventing her from enrolling in tuition, she persevered by studying via YouTube and with the help of friends.

Her mother took on the role of the primary breadwinner after her father, previously a shoe cobbler in Seri Serdang, was incapacitated by severe gout and kidney problems.

"My mother is strong. She has been working hard by sewing shoes on the sidewalk to support us three siblings," Alia said, crediting her mother's efforts for her sisters' ability to continue their university studies.

She described her mother as her idol and inspiration to keep learning and change the family's fate.

Reflecting on her results, Alia admitted she was initially nervous and afraid of disappointing her family but felt immense happiness when they celebrated together.

She attributed her success to focusing in class, making brief notes at night, and choosing friends who also aim to succeed.

Most importantly, she emphasised increasing devotion and drawing closer to Allah as her key to success.

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