NST Viral

#NSTviral: Video of child trapped alone for 30 minutes in lift sparks panic on TikTok

KUALA LUMPUR: A viral video showing a child stuck alone in a lift has caused widespread panic and concern.

In the video uploaded by @its_meell21 on TikTok, it is understood that the young girl was trapped inside the lift for 30 minutes.

"The lift doors closed quickly, so fast that her father couldn't enter with her, only managing to block the doors with his foot," stated the caption.

The situation caused many people to panic, and they joined her mother in trying to calm the child. Maintenance personnel were reportedly absent despite repeated attempts to contact them.

One netizen suggested forcibly opening the lift door, citing a previous incident involving their own child.

"The door wouldn't open. Security and her father tried but were unsuccessful," responded the account owner.

"It's terrifying. My child also likes to run into lifts. Sometimes I don't make it in before the doors close," said @keep_it_secret7.

Meanwhile, @atikah8902 shared that her child had also experienced a similar situation, empathising with how powerless a mother feels during such accidents.

"In my case, the doors closed abruptly and the lift went up one floor. I shouted as loudly as possible so my child would know to exit when the doors reopened.

"When I finally reached him, he was in tears and said it was very traumatic," she added.

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