NST Viral

#NSTviral: Teacher expresses disappointment over students neglecting homework

KUALA LUMPUR: A TikTok video posted by a teacher expressing her regret over students who do not respect her has caught the attention of many.

Known as @yattahmad.official on TikTok, or Cikgu Yatt, the teacher shared her disappointment with some students who boldly neglect their homework because they know they won't face serious consequences.

"Thank you to those who still respect me, who still feel some fear and shyness around me as a teacher. I know why you didn't finish your work… because you know the teacher won't punish, hit, or scold you harshly like before.

"The teacher will just give a warning. That's why you never complete the work I assign, even though it's meant to be finished both at school and at home," she said in her viral video.

To her, students who didn't complete their homework seem to lack respect and have lost their sense of shame.

Current laws that prevent teachers from 'touching' students are the cause of this behavior, she believes.

"When I was a student, even if I fell asleep, I would wake up early to finish my work because I feared being scolded, hit on the palm, or caned on the calves.

Nowadays, if teachers do that, they'll get into trouble.

"Look at what has happened. You've lost respect for your teachers. You know there's work to do, but you don't complete it because you know the teacher can't do anything."

However, Cikgu Yatt expressed gratitude to those students who still show respect by completing their homework.

In the comments section, many netizens related to the situation and shared their own experiences from the past.

"I felt like crying when the teacher said this… because I am also a teacher. Honestly, it hurts, but I still carry out my duties as a teacher," commented one user.

"I once forgot my book at home and got caned on the calves by the teacher. When I got home, I didn't dare tell my mom because I would get scolded even more since it was my fault," said Cik Yuyu.

"In primary and secondary school, there were all kinds of punishments. I was terrified of not finishing my homework. Getting punished was normal. I didn't even dare tell my parents. I turned out well and am soon to be a teacher to educate the next generation," said Yuzaiwhut.

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