
Loke: DAP never has and never will question Islam's position [NSTTV]

KUALA LUMPUR: DAP denied claims made by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that the party will influence the unity government to change the status of Islam as the country's official religion to become a secular country.

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook said that the former Langkawi member of parliament made an irresponsible statement claiming that with the 40 parliamentary seats in the government, DAP will threaten Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to do such a thing.

"I firmly reiterate DAP's position that all DAP members of parliament will defend the Federal Constitution including respecting the position of Islam as the religion of the federation and at the same time other religions can be practiced peacefully as stated under Article 3 (1) of the Federal Constitution.

"DAP never has and will never question the position of Islam as the Federal religion as enshrined in the Federal Constitution," Loke said in a statement on his social media pages earlier today.

He also pointed out that DAP never retracted its support or threatened Dr Mahathir's position during the latter's tenure as prime minister under the Pakatan Harapan administration, even when the party had 42 seats in Parliament at that time.

He also reminded Dr Mahathir that it was part of his Vision 2020 to establish a Bangsa Malaysia.

"DAP will not be hostile to any race. We will continue to serve the country and play a role in building a united society based on the principles of Rukun Negara.

"Tun Dr Mahathir need not worry. Malaysia will always remain a member of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) under the unity government," he added.

Earlier today, Dr Mahathir claimed that promoting Malaysia as a multiracial country is against the Federal Constitution.

Dr Mahathir had said this via Twitter when responding to Bukit Gelugor Umno information chief Mohd Huzaidi Mohd Hussin's calls for him to stop playing up racial sentiments.

Dr Mahathir had also accused DAP of wanting to replace Islam's status as the official religion to become a secular country, which will not have any official religion.

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