
Tuan Ibrahim: PN election candidates announcement delay unrelated to Sanusi's court case

KUALA LUMPUR: Postponing the Perikatan Nasional (PN) election candidates announcement has nothing to do with the court case involving caretaker Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor.

Pas deputy president Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said the decision to postpone the event was made by PN supreme council even before Sanusi was arrested early Tuesday morning.

"The decision by the PN Supreme Council to postpone the announcement was made on Monday before Sanusi was arrested and charged.

"It was made after taking into account the announcement in other states (involved in the state elections) as it was still too early even though all states were ready.

"There are three main events and it must be organised well because it involves the launching of the machinery, state manifestos and the candidate announcements," he told Berita Harian today.

Yesterday, Sanusi, who is also PN election director was brought to Selayang Sessions Court on two charges under Section (4)(1)A of the Sedition Act.

He was accused of uttering seditious remarks that could incite disloyalty towards any Rulers. He pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Tuan Ibrahim reiterated that PN was ready to make the announcement.

"Soon, PN will make an announcement on the election candidates and the state manifestos. So this has nothing to do with the charges against Sanusi," he said.

In a related development, Pas Kedah yesterday reportedly postponed its PN state candidate announcement. It was originally supposed to be held on Friday, but was postponed to next Tuesday.

It is understood that the delays were to allow Pas Kedah to restrategise ahead of the Aug 12 state polls.

PN Kedah secretary Musoddak Ahmad in a statement yesterday said the decision to postpone was made on the order from the PN central leadership.

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