
Kedah Nisfu Syaaban concert: Kedah Umno rips Pas for hypocrisy

ALOR STAR: Kedah Umno information chief Datuk Shaiful Hazizy Zainol Abidin has taken a dig at the Pas-led state government for hypocrisy in its stance against government-sanctioned music concerts.

This came after a night of controversy in Pas-led Kedah when a concert was held during Nisfu Syaaban at a festival site in Taman Jubli Emas here on Saturday evening.

Shaiful said it was amusingly ironic that Pas had previously condemned the federal government for being insensitive in allowing a concert at Bukit Jalil Stadium on the same evening.

"Yet, it's a case of 'Paku dulang paku serpih, mengata orang dia yang lebih' (condemning others for what they themselves are guilty of). They seem to have 'forgotten' that they themselves approved a Nisfu Syaaban night concert.

"In defence, their supporters argued that the inclusion of religious prayers somehow justifies the event, prompting the question, 'Does that really excuse everything?'" he said in a statement today.

Shaiful condemned Pas for their ongoing exploitation of religion as a means to gain political leverage and evade accountability.

"Under Pas' leadership in the federal government, numerous concerts, featuring international stars like Billie Eilish, received the green light. Once they endorse it, the act is no longer viewed as wrongful.

"Please, walk the talk. Do not just criticise but then do the same. In Islam, this would be considered 'munafik' (hypocrisy)," he added.

Commenting on the concert in Taman Jubli Emas, dubbed "Choi Underground Music Tour Kedah 2.0," Shaiful criticised Pas for dodging accountability for their decisions.

"Recently, the Kedah government stated that no agency under its administration had ever granted permission for the concert held at Taman Jubli Emas, here, on Nisfu Syaaban night.

"This statement seems to show that the Pas state government is unwilling to take responsibility and is evasive in their actions regarding permit and approval for holding an 'event.'

"They easily absolve themselves and lay the blame entirely on the organisers," he added.

He also pointed out the inconsistencies between statements from the state government and the concert organisers.

"Oddly, the organisers claim their permit was revoked. So, what is the truth? Was it revoked or not granted? And it wasn't the first night a concert was held at that carnival.

"But since the viral concert was held on Nisfu Syaaban night, it faced severe criticism from the public. If there had been proper monitoring, this would not have happened," he said.

Shaiful also criticised the Alor Star City Council for its lack of monitoring over the event.

"If the City Council members had properly done their jobs, they would have surely monitored projects in their area. The lack of surveillance allowed men and women to party together. Is this how Pas governs?

"And it's not a small event, nor is it just a night market. This carnival had dozens of tents, a stage, and massive promotion for the concert. Could the state government really not have noticed? This is unbelievable," he added.

On Feb 1, the Pas ulama council called on the federal government to ban artistes who supported the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community from performing in the country, ahead of an Ed Sheeran concert at Bukit Jalil Stadium on Feb 24.

Pas ulama council chief Datuk Ahmad Yahaya said allowing such musical performers to perform just before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan was insensitive.

However on the same night of the Ed Sheeran concert, a lively concert was held at a festival site in Taman Jubli Emas in Alor Star.

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