
KKB by-election: Support for PN remains the same, says Muhyiddin

KUALA KUBU BAHARU: Perikatan Nasional (PN) insisted that support for the opposition pact has not changed despite the outcome of today's Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election.

Its chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said PN accepted the decision made by voters in the by-election at the state seat.

"In a glance, the result of the by-election showed the support for PN remains the same despite the low voter turnout.

"PN will look into the result of the by-election and take necessary steps to increase support for the party in the future," said Muhyiddin in a statement shared on his Facebook account.

PN through its candidate Khairul Azhari Saut failed to wrest the seat from Pakatan Harapan (PH) after he polled 10,131 votes in the by-election.

Pang Sock Tao won the seat with a majority vote of 3,869 after she secured 14,000 votes.

The Election Commission (EC) in a statement said 61.51 per cent of total voters turned out during the by-election.

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