THE United States’s recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli territory amounts to gross violation of international law and Citizens International strongly condemns this.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Christian Broadcasting Network: “I am confident that the Lord is at work here.”
It is this distorted interpretation of Christian theology by the Zionists that is influencing US foreign policy and taking the world to the brink of war.
Many countries, including Russia, Germany, France and Turkey, have criticised US President Donald Trump’s decision. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğgan’s had warned that Trump’s declaration had started “new crisis and new tensions” in the region.
Trump’s decision is in gross violation of international law, several United Nations Security Council Resolutions, and the 50-year-old US policy over Syrian territory Israel captured in 1967 and annexed in 1981. Trump’s expected next move is recognition of the annexation of the West Bank, which would place the final nail in the coffin of the “two-state solution” and the Oslo Accords.
Trump’s justification that it was for Israel’s security is untenable under international law. If security, as a ground for acquiring another state’s territory, is accepted, it will open the door for territorial aggression.
The international community must have the courage to confront the US on its violations of international law to promote global peace and justice. Do not fear the US power which is declining.
Remember Ho Chi Minh’s Vietnam: the US troops had to run helter-skelter to their helicopters to escape from the National Liberation Front forces.
Iran today is a good example of a country that refuses to submit to US dictates and continues to grow in strength.
The Arab rulers of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates should realise that their dependence on US power to protect their regimes will not save them.
Citizens International urges:
THE Malaysian government to initiate action in the UN to refer to the International Court of Justice on the legality of US’s recognition of Golan Heights as part of Israeli territory;
TO investigate whether the means used by Israel to maintain control over the Palestinian people amounts to apartheid, and if so, what steps should be taken to end the situation;
MALAYSIANS and others to demonstrate at US embassies against this violation of international law;
GOVERNMENTS, civil society organisations and the private sector to support the boycott, divestment and sanctions launched 10 years ago by the Palestinian civil society; and,
THE Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to raise the issue of Golan Heights with the UN.
S.M. Mohamed Idris
Chairman, Citizens International