
MySejahtera is not all bad

LETTERS: There has been a number of reports about MySejahtera's inefficiency and unresponsiveness to complaints.

Vaccination status being updated late, or not updated at all, as well as queries posted to the helpdesk not receiving any reply, are some examples of the grievances.

I am not here to defend MySejahtera, but I would like to share my otherwise "pleasant" experiences with the app.

As prompted by the authorities, My wife and I registered for MySejahtera in February last year. We were in our 70s.

A text message was sent to me in May, asking me to check MySejahtera for details of my first vaccine dose appointment. It was scheduled on the 25th at a Seremban private medical centre.

Accordingly, I went for the jab. At the centre, I also checked that all my details, including my phone number, were correctly registered. Incidentally, the phone number serves as part of your identification number for the app besides your MyKad or Passport number.

I also reminded the nurse to report my jab to MySejahtera. I was glad that the digital certificate appeared in my app that evening.

My second dose was on June 15. The procedures were the same: a text message, a notification to the same jab centre and a digital cert was issued in the evening.

My booster dose was five months later at the same centre. Again, I was issued the digital certificate for booster shot on the same evening.

My wife, who is two years younger, received her first dose a month after me.

Her experience was as good as mine. Full digital certification of all her doses, including the booster shot, appeared on MySejahtera in the evening.

Our daughter, who works in KL, received her two doses at a centre in Bukit Jalil.

She decided to come home to Seremban for her booster shot to avoid the long queue there. I registered her at the same private medical centre I went to. I could even choose the day and time for her jab as there was no crowd here.

I gave the centre my daughter's phone number as registered on MySejahtera.

As this was a request appointment and not one prescribed by MySejahtera, I asked the medical centre to ensure that the details were correctly entered.

Accordingly, the jab was administered on the appointment date and yes, the digital certificate appeared that very evening.

Having been jabbed and boosted, we need now to continue following the SOP to stay safe.


Seremban, Negri Sembilan

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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